Monday, December 18, 2006

Paradise Bay

Woohoo! Back to good ol' landscapes. Another shot from about a beautiful country. A half hour steep climb though some dense woods got me to the cliffs from which i shot this. For those who are interested its a composite HDR pano created from multiple exposures. I then tweaked the colors to obtain something between a postcard and a painting.


Anonymous said...

I just came across the blog today and my my how wonderful. I know its March 2007.

Where are you?

More pictures. Please, please update or redirect us to your other blog or website

Anyone know where Stan is?

This blog has seriously made me consider visiting Mexico.

Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures

Stan said...

Thanks for the wonderful comments Pirahna. I'm glad (and flattered) you enjoyed my images of Mexico. I'll try to post more and soon;)

Mexico is truly worth visiting if you have even the smallest desire to travel. Lots of beauty and culture. If you're like me though, you will have trouble deciding where to visit first!

Anonymous said...

Hi Stan

Really nice to know you are OK. I have lots of questions for you about photography but they can wait for now.

I will pass on your blog link to some friends

Stay well