Thursday, June 15, 2006

Explosion of Color

After what seems like forever, i've returned to update my weak attempt at a photo blog. This is the first in what will probably be a lot of landscape shots (mostly sunrises and sunsets) taken in Mexico (yes i'm still here). Still needs work but i thought i'd throw it out there and wait for comments. Hope you enjoy....


culturalmiscellany said...

My God, its you!! I thought you'd dropped off the end of the world or worse still fallen down an oil well. Glad to see you again, I was almost getting to the point of removing you from my blogroll due to inactivity but since you're back I'll be checking daily again :)

I assume all is well with you?

Stan said...

Yup i'm back:) Sorry about the delay but i've just been too busy with other things (work) to update the blog. As always your comments are welcome and much appreciated. See you around...

Anonymous said...

dahhhh dahhh dahhh, kiero pepsi mama. Atte. Gaby.

Anonymous said...

I think your shots are worthy enough to be on an account today dude.. you got some awesome stuff.

Stan said...

Worthy of shutterchance?...haha. Cracking me up....