Saturday, June 17, 2006

El Malecon

I promised a few landscape shots and heres another (albeit manmade). This one is of a short stretch of the waterfront in Veracruz city at night. Its commonly called the malecon by us locals...hehe. The waterfront is hugely popular here as a spot to hang out with 'friends' or friends and also just to chill out and enjoy the view.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is cool, because this is my city, so beautiful city, and i don't think Poza Rica is nicer. Arriba Veracruz!!!, Viva Veracruz!!!, Que Vibre Veracruz!!!. I love my city, there's no other place like Veracruz.

Solo Veracruz es Bello!!!!

Veracruz, rinconcito donde hacen su nido las olas y el mar. Veracruz, son tus noches diluvio de estrellas, palmera y mujer. Veracruz, vibra en mi ser, algun dia hasta tus playas lejanas tendre que volver.

Atte. Gaby